Frequently asked questions



How does this work?

This is a one-way interview, meaning you will see a question and be able to record your answer at your own pace, on your own time. You must complete the entire interview in one sitting, however, you can re-record your answer to each question as many times as you’d like.


What is Clovers, and why is the company I’m interviewing at using it?

Clovers is a video interviewing platform that records interviews to help hiring teams collaborate on hiring, reduce unconscious bias, and craft better interviews.


Do I need to install anything?

No. You can record your responses right in your web browser, from your smartphone, your computer, or your tablet.


What if I have questions about my application or next steps in the hiring process?

Make sure to reach out to the company you’re interviewing with. Clovers provides the interviewing software, but doesn’t have any information about specific jobs.


What is a one-way video interview screen?

Just like it sounds, one-way video interviews engage just one person at a time: the applicant. Instead of a back-and-forth conversation between the interviewer and job candidate, each applicant is provided a link that includes interview questions. They then record and submit their responses for hiring teams to review.


How do one-way video interview screens work?

Hiring teams first decide which questions they’d like to ask each candidate. Questions are then saved to the one-way video interview platform.

Candidates who meet initial screening criteria are sent a link to complete their one-way video interview. They’re able to record their answers to each question for the hiring team to review. They usually have a set period of time to complete their responses.

Hiring teams review candidate responses to each question, then decide who they’d like to move to the next phase of interviews.


When do you use one-way video interviews?

One-way video interviews are a valuable screening tool. They’re often used to find qualified candidates early in the hiring process. Applicants who meet screening criteria—like required licensure or relevant experience—can be given the opportunity to complete a one-way video interview. Recruiters use responses to one-way video interviews to decide which candidates to advance to the next phase of interviews.

What are the benefits of one-way video interviewing?

One-way video interviews give candidates an opportunity to showcase their personalities and skills in ways resumes alone can’t do.

Video interviews provide a record of each interview, so employers have up-to-date and accurate information when making hiring decisions.

One-way video interviews are convenient. Sharing pre-recorded questions keeps things simple for recruiters. And candidates are able to answer questions at a time and place that works best for them.
One-way video interviews are efficient. They help streamline the hiring process, save decision-makers time, and get the right candidates into the right roles quickly.

Using one-way videos to supplement the interview process helps reduce hiring bias. Each applicant is given the chance to answer standardized questions and the same opportunity to shine.




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