Resume redaction overview

Resume redaction by Clovers automatically redacts info that triggers unconscious bias in the hiring process. 

  • Review resumes more fairly by removing the bias in resumes in the selection process and objectively scoring based on predetermined skills needed for the job

Watch the video to see how it works: 

To enable closed captioning, click settings in the lower right of the video below, and under Closed Captions, toggle the button to ON.

1. Drag and drop resumes into the review resumes tile and name the job.
2. If creating a new job, enter the job title.
3. Add criteria for the role to establish which skills and values should be considered when evaluating candidates.
4. Enter skills and values to assess a candidate's domain expertise for the job.
5. Add all resumes you want considered for the role.
6. Review the resumes and move forward by clicking into Review resumes.
7. Set the resume score threshold to identify candidates whose objective resume scores meet the minimum thresholds.
8. Provide feedback on the review of each candidate's resume or CV.
9. Sort or add your preferred resume review categories.
10. Select the radio button for the level of job you are setting up for the resume review.
11. Drag the resume sections in order of how important they are to the job.
12. Add reviewers for the resumes.
13. Reviewers complete a simple feedback survey for each resume category.
14. Once finished, click Done Reviewing. The candidates will be scored based on your responses.
15. Evaluate candidates to choose the best candidates to advance in the recruiting process.

Congrats, you now know how to redact a resume using Clovers. Please reach out to your client success manager for any additional questions.

In this section:

How to create a new job requisition





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