How to create and assign a global interview template

Create a culture of interviewing mastery to hire better talent by using interview templates and clovers. Interview templates can be created in just a few minutes to suit your hiring needs.

An interview template is the foundation of a job and standardizes a job description and skills across your business.

Creating and assigning a global interview template

Watch the video to see how it works: 

To enable closed captioning, click settings in the lower right of the video below, and under Closed Captions, toggle the button to ON.

Creating an interview template

  1. Navigate to the top of the screen and click into interview templates
  2. Click into the gray "add template" button on the right hand side of the screen
  3. Select the seniority level for this interview template from individual contributor, manager and manager of managers
    1. As the seniority level increases, more questions around leadership and team management will be added to the template
  4. Use the search bar to look up job families from the occupation list 
    1. The goal is to find jobs within a general family so that it can serve as a base for your template.
  5. Use the drop-down arrow on the right-hand side of the occupation tile to see which attributes are automatically assigned to that occupation. You can always add or remove attributes or competencies later
  6. When you have located the template you want to use, select the radio button next to it and click "Use this occupation" to advance to the next step.
  7. Add a title and a description for the template
  8. Click finish and you will be taken to the completed interview template

Assigning an interview template

  1. If you create a job in Clovers with the exact same title as the interview template the template will be automatically assigned to the job to manually add the template to the job
  2. To assign an interview template to a job, navigate to the jobs tab
  3. Click into the job you want to assign a new interview template to
  4. Navigate to the side tile titled "Basics" on the right side of the screen
  5. Click the pencil icon next to "Interview template"
  6. Then search for the interview template you woud like to assign to the job
  7. Click "save" to confirm the change
  8. These questions will appear in the interview guide each time a candidate assigned to this role is interviewed

Congrats! You now know how to create an interview template and assign an interview template in Clovers. 


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