How to share highlight reels

In this tutorial, we will explore how to share a highlight reel.

Highlight reels are standout moments captured throughout the interviewing process. 

Sharing highlight reels

Watch the video to see how it works: 

To enable closed captioning, click settings in the lower right of the video below, and under Closed Captions, toggle the button to ON.


Sharing highlight reels walkthrough

1. Click into the interview


2. Click into the Candidate avatar


3. Click the Share Highlight Reel button and then select "share externally" to share with someone who does not have a Clovers account. The "share internally" option works for sharing with those who do have a Clovers account with your organization.

4. Choose to either send a Direct Link or an Email and adjust your settings to either have the reel expire in a week or a month, show or hide the candidate's name, or ask for feedback or not feedback. Be sure to click the "Get shareable link" button if you need to send a direct link or to use the "Send Email button" if you prefer to send the email.


Congrats! You now know how to share highlight reels 


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